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Autism and us

Celtic Wolf's life started out in 2003 in the most normal of normal ways. He was born in a hospital to a mother who had prenatal care during the whole pregnancy. He was born without a c section at 8 lbs 13 oz. Did I mention that he was also induced 2 weeks early because of the fear of another big baby. His sister was born on time at 10 lbs. 1 oz. YIKES!!!! He went home in a normal amount of time. His only real issue was a little bit of Jaundice so he had to go to the hospital everyday for about 2 weeks to get his bilirubin levels checked.

He was a little behind on his normal developmental milestones. His speech was way behind. Yet, I did not worry much. He has family history of learning disabilities on both sides of his family. His maternal aunt has learning disabilities, his paternal uncle has them also but more severe. So I was not worried at all. I figured it was life and I would deal with it as it came.

By 3 years old, he still was behind. He qualified to go to the special ed preschool that was part of the school district. And so at 3, He got on the bus and rode it to the preschool. He loved it! He got therapies such as speech, and OT. His group was pretty small and he started to talk some. Not once did any doctor or specialist recommend further testing to get a diagnosis. He started public school and had problems. But we kept plugging away.

Finally, when he was 7 or 8 years old, his primary doctor referred him to a specialist at the local hospital after he pulled things off the wall that were screwed into the wall in the exam room. It was a long process and finally he got to see the specialist.

First diagnoses was ADD, Attention Deficit Disorder. He was put on medicine. But, the specialist wanted to do more evaluation and referred him to a different specialist. Again, this took time. Finally in 2012, we got another diagnoses. I can remember that date very well. 12/12/12 IT was 1 1/2 hour drive to the office. He had not taken his ADD meds so was all over the place. We got into the office and he was bouncing and flapping all over the room. He had a marble to occupy him and when he focused on that, he rolled it against the wall saying Tick every time it hit the wall. He was fixated on it to the point that nothing could distract him. The specialist asked questions and finally told me. Her opinion was that He exhibited symptoms of Asperger's. But because of changes in diagnoses in the profession it would be listed as Autism in his records with High functioning as a sub-type. Finally!!!! A true diagnoses not a it might be this or it might be that.

Celtic Wolf is very verbal today. He has issues in social situations. He has a hard time reading people and their emotions. He is very focused on things that interest him. He is good at what he does if he puts his mind to it. He is working hard to understand his ticks and triggers and how to function with them. He tried public school but with his need to move around and other ticks, it did not work for him so now he is home. He does public school online and most days are great! He still has his days, but on those days he takes a break and goes outside to spend time with his donkey. After awhile, he is able to complete the tasks he was working on.

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